Terms of service.
+ Limit of Liability
You hereby agree that in consideration of being allowed to participate in fitness activities provided by Pilates Place that Pilates Place, its directors, fitness professionals, employees, agents or contractors are absolved to the fullest extent permitted by law from all liability however arising from any injury or damage (whether fatal or otherwise) to you or any loss, damage or theft of any property belonging to, or brought onto the studio premises by you or any guest occurring upon the club however caused whether due to any act of negligence, breach of duty, default and/or omission on the part of the Company or otherwise.
Terms & Conditions
Please read through the terms and conditions thoroughly. When joining as a client of Pilates Place you agree to the terms and conditions as laid out on the Pilates Place website pilatesplace.co.
General Terms and Conditions
1. Our New Member Introductory Offer (valid for 7 days) is only available to brand new clients. You can only purchase the introductory offer once. The introductory offer is non-refundable nor transferable and will activate from the date of your first class booking. Clients found to be buying the New Member Introductory Offer more than once will be suspended and charged any additional class costs they may have incurred.
2. A minimum of two people is required for a class to proceed. You will be contacted via text, phone or email 4 hours prior to the start of class should it need to be cancelled and your session returned.
3. Cancellations made -9 hours prior to class start time will forfeit that session. No-shows and absences will forfeit that session. UNLIMITED MEMBERSHIPS will incur a $20 No Show/Cancellation fee for all classes they are absent for/cancel within 9 hours.
4. Payment must be made prior to booking. To book into a class you must either have pre-purchased sessions in your account or pay at the time of booking in the studio.
5. Out of consideration for the teacher and other clients, please don't be late. Please be aware that if you are more than 5 minutes late for a class, your spot may be given to a waitlisted or stand-by client and you may not be able to attend.
6. If a class you want is full, you can sign up for the waitlist.
Waitlist Process:- By booking a class on the Waitlist you are agreeing by default to attend this class if a spot becomes available. A notification will be sent to you via text or email (or both) confirming you have been placed in the class from the waitlist.
Please ensure your subscription notifications are turned on for this feature to work effectively
How to check your settings
The text message requests you to confirm or decline the class however you are automatically in this class until you decline it. If you do not show up for this reserved spot or decline this class within 9 hours of this class starting, then your account will reflect as though you attended the class (loss of a class pass or charged a $20 fee if on an unlimited membership).
When it is within 9 hours of the class start time, you won’t automatically get pushed into a class from the waitlist if there was to be an opening.
You only get put in the class (if an opening is available) outside the 9 hours. This is due to the cancellation window being 9 hours and avoids putting someone in when they may no longer wish to have the spot so close to the start time. Therefore, once you’re within the 9 hour window if you see a space in a class you can go ahead and book it. Our system doesn’t have the capability to automatically send a text to those on the waitlist within this timeframe to see if they would like to book this class.
7. 10 Class Passes are valid for 3 months from purchase date. Sessions are non-refundable, are not transferable and can be extended if you are injured, in which case we will request a medical certificate. Extensions due to medical reasons must be requested before the expiry date.
8. Monthly Passes are valid for 30 days from the date of your first class booking. Sessions are non-refundable, are not transferable and can be extended if you are injured, in which case we will request a medical certificate. Extensions due to medical reasons must be requested before the expiry date.
9. Sessions are not transferrable to another individual and cannot be used by another person. If someone other than the person booked into the class arrives to use the session, they will be asked to create an account and purchase their own sessions.
10. All purchases made at Pilates Place (includes all memberships, services and products) are Non-refundable or transferable.
11. Gift cards can be used for Pilates classes and product at Pilates Place. They are not redeemable for cash and are non- transferable. Gift cards are not to be used in conjunction with sales or offers. Pilates Place does not offer refunds, transfers, suspensions or extensions on Gift Cards for change of mind, injury, illness, change of address or any other reason. All purchases are final and in accordance with the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission.
12. Our class times may change from time to time and we reserve the right to amend our schedule at any time. We will provide communication regarding our timetable at our own discretion.
13. All our pricing options are non-refundable nor transferable .
14. PP Studio Membership Summer Sale Contract
Commencement of this contract is from the sale date and no activation date in the future will be accepted.
We have a limited number of discounted memberships for sale and Pilates Place reserves the right to end the sale once we have reached our maximum number.
Class Cancellation Policy
At Pilates place, our class sizes are small and can fill quickly. Late cancellations or no shows often can't be filled, meaning members may miss out on a class.
At the same time, we understand that sometimes unforeseeable circumstances can arise. That's why, in the interests of being fair and consistent the below cancellation policy will apply without exception. Trainers and classes may be subject to change without notice. At Pilates place, our class sizes are small and can fill quickly. Late cancellations or no shows. Trainers and classes maybe subject to change without notice we reserve the right to cancel classes at any time if we deem the necessary for example due to the instructor being unavailable to attend in which case we will make a reasonable attempt to notify you of the cancellation.
When a class has been cancelled by us, this will not result in you losing any classes you have paid for.
If for any reason you are unable to attend your class, you must cancel your booking through your account as soon as possible in accordance with the below timeframes. For group classes and private classes, you are required to cancel your booking at least 9 hours before the schedule class time.
A failure to attend your class (No-show) or to cancel your booking within 9 hours of the class starting, will result in either loss of the class from your pack or you being charged for the class.
Cancellations made <9 hours prior to class start time or a No-Show will:
forfeit that session if using a class pack
incur a $15 No-Show/cancellation fee for all classes if using a PP Studio Membership with unlimited classes
Fees will be charged automatically to the direct debit details on your account 2 days after the occurance.
We do not accept cancellations via email, phone or social media.
Membership Terms & Conditions
• Membership Unlimited / Week
1. The Client understands the length of the membership agreement and has chosen the term and understands that the direct debit memberships are for a minimum of the above agreement duration, the membership will continue beyond this term Unless notified (see Termination Policy below).
2. All Memberships operate on either a 7 or 14 day autopay schedule from the credit card stored in Hapana. In signing this contract you agree for these debits to take place (via our Merchant Provider EzyPay). Payment will continue unless notified (see Termination Policy below).
3. The member agrees to have all funds available for autopays to avoid a $10 dishonour fee
4. Memberships will continue with scheduled autopays for the agreed minimum term unless Pilates Place is notified of a termination request in writing (see Termination Policy below).
5. Memberships may be subject to price increase, but will be communicated in writing 4 weeks prior to any change.
6. A $15 No Show/Late Cancel fee will be charged to all Unlimited Memberships. This will be processed automatically via the stored credit card details.
7. Membership 3 / Week and 10 / Month contracts can purchase additional sessions at $20 per class. Additional sessions will be valid for 7 days from purchase. If during the weekly cycle, an extra session is taken and shows as owing, $20 will automatically be charged to the card on file per session booked, regardless of late cancel or no show.
8. Membership with Unlimited Classes each week provides a maximum of 1 x Studio Group Class per day. You may attend an extra classes if space permits though you are only permitted to book this class within 2 hours of the class start time.
9. Studio Membership offers with an initial free period will incur a 3 month lock in period prior to being able to cancel.
Debiting your Account
1. By signing this contract, you have authorised us to arrange for funds to be debited from your financial institution.
2. We will only arrange for funds to be debited from your financial institution as authorised in the billing information on your account
3. If the debit day falls on a day that is not a business day, we may direct your financial institution to debit your account on the following business day. If you are unsure about which day your account has or will be debited you should ask your financial institution.
Membership Suspensions
1. At least 1 weeks written notice is required for membership pauses/suspensions. This ensures that the correct measures are put in place to cease credit card payments that are scheduled for the given period.
2. Suspensions are available with a minimum of 2 week suspensions. You must hold a membership for 6 weeks prior to suspending. Please email requests to admin@pilatesplace.co. Do not text or message requests via social media
3. A membership can be suspended for a maximum of 6 weeks at any one time. The membership will then return to active and autopays will continue.
Membership Termination
1. Pilates Place requires at least 30 Days written notice from the next direct debit to terminate a week to week membership with no minimum term. Please email request to admin@pilatesplace.co. Cancellation requests cannot be made during a membership suspension/hold.
1.1 All membership agreements with a minimum term will automatically renew at the end of each term for a further term of the same term (is. 3, 6 months) unless either party gives the other written notice of termination at least 30 days prior to the end of the relevant term.
2. In the case of long term or permanent injury or illness that prevents the use of our services, immediate membership termination will be permitted. Termination will take effect from the date we receive written confirmation from a medical doctor. No refunds will be provided for any services unused.
3. Pilates Place may terminate a membership without notice for inappropriate, offensive or illegal behaviour, as determined by us, which occurs on our premises or is directed at our staff or other members. No refunds will be provided for any services unused. Future autopay debits will be terminated for Memberships.
Challenge Terms & Conditions
1. Pilates Place standard cancellation policy applies to all bookings.
2. Strictly no extensions given.
3. Classes are non-transferable and will be void as end of challenge.
4. Should a client fall seriously ill during this time, a Doctors certificate must be supplied.
5. Any active monthly passes or class packs will be put on hold for the duration of the challenge and re-activated once complete.
Membership Terms & Conditions
PP Studio Membership | 12m includes:
- 12 Month Upfront membership payment
- Membership Unlimited / Week (see full Terms below: 6.)
- Fixed 12 month contract from date of purchase (or future date if selected and agreed in contract)
- Late Cancellation and no-show fees apply in addition to this membership fee (refer to General Terms & Conditions)
- No Refunds, exchanges or transfers are permitted on this membership.
1. The Client understands the length of the membership agreement and has chosen the term and understands that the direct debit memberships are for a minimum of the above agreement duration, the membership will continue beyond this term Unless notified (see Termination Policy below).
2. This Memberships operate on a once off payment from the credit card/bank details stored in Hapana. In signing this contract you agree for this debit to take place (via our Merchant Provider EzyPay).
3. The member agrees to have all funds available for late cancellation/no-show fees to avoid a $10 dishonour fee
4. Memberships will continue for the agreed minimum term of 12 months at Pilates Place Camp Hill.
5. A $20 No Show/Late Cancel fee will be charged to all Unlimited Memberships. This will be processed automatically via the stored credit card details.
6. Membership with Unlimited Classes each week provides a maximum of 1 x Studio Group Class per day. You may attend an extra classes if space permits though you are only permitted to book this class within 2 hours of the class start time.
7. This Studio Membership |12 m offers 12 month lock in period prior to being able to cancel. No Refunds, No Exchanges and No Transfers are permitted.
12 month Membership Suspensions
1. At least 1 weeks written notice is required for membership pauses/suspensions. This ensures that the correct measures are put in place to cease credit card payments that are scheduled for the given period.
2. Suspensions are available with a minimum of 2 week suspensions. Please email requests to admin@pilatesplace.co. Do not text or message requests via social media
3. A membership can be suspended for a maximum of 6 weeks throughout this 12 month contract. Suspensions will extend the validity date of the contract.
12 Month Membership Termination
1. Pilates Place will terminate this membership at the end of the fixed 12 month contract and other membership options will be available to choose from at that time.
2. In the case of long term or permanent injury or illness that prevents the use of our services, immediate membership termination will be permitted. Termination will take effect from the date we receive written confirmation from a medical doctor. No refunds will be provided for any services unused. Transfer options are to be discussed with Pilates Place by emailing admin@pilatesplace.co
3. Pilates Place may terminate a membership without notice for inappropriate, offensive or illegal behaviour, as determined by us, which occurs on our premises or is directed at our staff or other members. No refunds will be provided for any services unused.
+ Infrared Sauna Terms of Service
You understand that by attending PILATES PLACE and participating in the Services offered within the Premises occupied by PILATES PLACE, you will be undertaking such Services (or come near to others undertaking such Services), including (but not limited to) services such as Infrared Sauna and Pilates Classes or any services offered by PILATES PLACE (the “Services”).
You understand that you enter into this Agreement in consideration of PILATES PLACE allowing you to participate in these Services.
By participating in the services offered by PILATES PLACE you confirm that you acknowledge and agree that you will NOT use the INFRARED SAUNA if:
You have congestive heart failure or uncontrolled high blood pressure.
You have sensitivity to heat;
You are under the influence of alcohol or drugs;
You have a communicable or infectious skin condition, disorder or diseases;
You are a diabetic, unless your diabetes is under medical control;
You have a history of heart trouble, epilepsy, seizures, blackouts and have not received your doctor’s permission to use the Infrared Saunas;
You wear a pacemaker or have a serious heart condition;
You have a kidney disease;
You are under the age of consent without parental or legal guardian consent.
You are on blood thinners and/or anticoagulants
No one under the age of 18 is permitted in the full spectrum infrared sauna unless accompanied by a supervising adult
Pregnant women should not use the Infrared Sauna because fetal damage can occur with a certain elevated body temperature.
Children - The core body temperature of children rises much faster than adults.
Fever - An individual that has a fever should not use the Infrared Sauna
You are aware that in the case that you willingly or unwillingly cause contamination in the Infrared Sauna, PILATES PLACE remains the right to charge for compensation to cover the expenses of fixing and replacing the Infrared Sauna and for the associated loss of revenue.
You have fully disclosed any physical concerns to PILATES PLACE. You understand there may be some degree of discomfort after the Services, such as, but not limited to, flu-like symptoms, headache, dizziness, and/or diarrhoea. You release PILATES PLACE from any responsibility for symptoms related to the detoxification process incurred with the Services.
Any sessions cancelled or rescheduled less than 12 hours before the appointment time and 'no shows' will be charged the full-service fee. Gift vouchers are automatically void without notice. You may cancel/reschedule your session online without any charge no less than 12 hours prior to your session time.
Late arrival for any service may shorten the length of the booked session time. You will be responsible for the payment of any applicable fees associated with the booked Service.